浙江柏明胜医疗产业园是昌红集团为布局国产替代而新建的大型综合性医疗耗材产业园区,为实现昌红集团规模化发展,各板块细分领域赛道的拓展延伸,以及不断挑战自我、追求创新,实现“世界的昌红,中国的昌红”伟大愿景的重要布局。园区内入驻了昌红集团的多家分子公司及参股企业,业务范围涵盖了医疗器械及高分子耗材、半导体耗材和高精密OA产品的设计、研发、生产和销售。园区计划总投资10.68亿元人民币,占地面积达159.87亩,规划厂房面积 15.8万㎡ ,十万级净化车间8万㎡,规划500台以上的注塑、吹塑设备,最高可同时容纳2000名员工办公和生活。
随后医疗板块客户代表罗氏诊断产品(苏州)有限公司总经理Marco Cairoli先生,OA板块客户代表上海理光数码设备有限公司董事长安井元一先生,半导体板块合作伙伴湖北鼎龙控股股份有限公司副总裁姜文先生,特邀嘉宾比亚迪股份有限公司天使投资人、非执行董事、深圳高新投正轩投资有限公司董事长夏佐全先生,特邀嘉宾深圳市恒丰投资集团有限公司董事长卢培先生发表了对浙江柏明胜医疗科技有限公司开业的祝福和期望。
Boomingshing Medical Awarded Business Continuity By Roche
柏明胜医疗荣获罗氏Business Continuity奖
罗氏在众多供应商中,邀请约一百多家重要的供应商出席会议。深圳市柏明胜医疗器械有限公司(深圳市昌红科技股份有限公司全资子公司)很荣幸成为受邀的一员,并且荣获罗氏集团颁发的Roche 2022年度全球供应商Business Continuity奖。此奖意在表彰对罗氏全球供应作出卓越贡献的供应商。柏明胜成为2022年度唯一获此殊荣的供应商。
罗氏授予的业务连续性 2022年11月09日,在中国上海的亚太会议中心。深圳柏明胜医疗设备有限公司获得2022年罗氏全球供应商业务连续性奖。
Boomingshing Medical Awarded Business Continuity By Roche
On 2022/11/09,at the Asia Pacific Convention Center in Shanghai, China.Shenzhen Boomingshing Medical Device Co.,Ltd won the 2022 Roche Global Supplier Business Continuity Award.
7 Outrageous Ideas of Diy Plastic Injection Molding Machine
What are the plastic molding techniques?
The molding of plastic materials is the set of all those technologies which, thanks to the use of a diy plastic injection molding machine. It allows the production of components in polymeric material. Over the years and with the development of increasingly advanced technologies. The types of molding have differentiated according to the:
- Material to process
- The shapes to obtain
- The physical characterization that the final product must assume
The techniques that are most widespread today are the following:
Compression molding: rubber vulcanization process
It essentially consists of the rubber vulcanization process. The mold that gives it its final shape is in steel or aluminum. Depending on the shape of the product to produce. It is easy to make up of several parts in order to facilitate its removal when the molding completes.
The diy plastic injection molding machine for this type of molding is a press on which the mold fix to the working surface.
The working pressure varies from a few tens to about 850 tons. The worktop thermally control: in relation to the elastomer being processed. The electrically heated surface works at a temperature between 140 and 180 degrees. This type of molding is very flexible because it allows inserts of various kinds to incorporate into the product.
Polymer injection molding: an industrial process
It is an industrial process in which the plastic material heats and melts under high pressure into a closed mold. It will then open when the material has solidified.
Both the injection pressures and the temperatures of the material in diy plastic injection molding machine being processed are very high. This to allow easier sliding of the plastic material in the ducts of the machinery and in the mold itself. The machinery dedicated to this process is the so-called injection press which comes up of two main parts: the injection group and the closing group.
The first has the function of bringing the material to the melting temperature and, once plasticized, of pushing it into the mold. The closing unit, with hydraulic or mechanical operation, ensures the clamping of the mold.
Diy plastic injection molding machine with reaction
Injection and reaction molding, also known as RIM, Reaction Injection Molding. It is a process that uses polyurethane compounds for the production of large-sized products. Originally, its development dates back to the 1950s, it was mainly common in the automotive industry.
This technique involves the use of two components in the liquid state before transfer into the mold: the Iso fraction, which contains isocyanates, and the Poli fraction, which contains hydroxyls.
The dedicated machinery comes with an aluminum mold inside which the polymerization and solidification of the material takes place. The modern technology that the diy plastic injection molding machine come with allows the creation of objects of all sizes.
Thermoforming: use of vacuum or pressure plates or films
This molding technique starts from vacuum or pressure plates or films. In the first case, the preheated sheet adheres to the mold by suction, assuming all its surface sensuosities.
In the second case, the sheet rests on the sheet due to the pressure applied with air which also speeds up its cooling. Thermoforming is particularly suitable. If the quantity of pieces to produce is large and production times are short and even if the batches to produce are different.
Machine is very versatile and flexible
By its very nature, a diy plastic injection molding machine is very versatile and guarantees a very high production flexibility especially if the thickness of the pieces is very thin. Generally, this machine is common for food-grade trays, blisters, Abs trays but also for internal cases of household appliances and finishes in the automotive sector such as panels and coatings.
Blow molding for a hollow shape
Blow molding is a technique common to give the plastic material a hollow shape. The most classic examples of this variant of plastic molding are produced as bottles, flasks and containers with very small opening compared to the other sizes.
Blow molding obtains with a jet of powerful compressed air blown into a preform in such a way that the worked object inflates and takes the shape of the mold that contains it. Once cooled, the object extracts from the mold and the processing complete. Machines for this type of molding usually equips with an extruder to make the preform.
Diy plastic injection molding machine for important dimensions
Rotational molding or rotational molding, is the molding technique common for the production of hollow products of important dimensions. The process consists of introducing plastic powder into a hollow mold which is then rotated on two axes.
At the same time, the mold heats to melt the material and make it adhere evenly to the walls. The mold is usually built with a composite material such as aluminum.
As in the other cases, cooling and extraction of the finished product, which is often manual, follow. The typical products of roto moldings are vases, bins, boats, furniture and toys.
Diy plastic injection molding machine for molding plastic materials:
Plastic material molding machines are sophisticated and highly technological equipment. Buying new ones often coincides with an excessively demanding economic effort for every type of company, whether it is opening or relaunching. Second hand is a viable solution, as long as it is efficient and guaranteed machinery.
In these cases, the unknowns are numerous and critical, difficult to dispel with only a basic competence of the subject. Most of the time it's like buying a pig in a poke and the game isn't worth the candle. The savings on the purchase can cause unpleasant inconveniences even in the short term.
When buying common machinery becomes a problem
On the web, there is no shortage of offers for diy plastic injection molding machine for plastic molding. Some affordable and reliable, others cheaper and often of low quality. Bankruptcy auctions of industrial machinery and plants are a solution to the problem. In all likelihood, the best.
The prices with which you can get a fully functional and well-maintained machine unmatched, neither on the Web nor in the traditional market. Industrial Discount is a platform that manages bankruptcy auctions of industrial machinery on behalf of the competent Court.
How Aluminum Soft Plastic Lure Molds Can Increase Your Profit!
Introduction of aluminum plastic lure molds
The technique of the aluminum soft plastic lure molds allows creating molds that reproduce the complete model in all its parts, in the round. Otherwise, it is impossible to extract from simple single-valve molds.
In the construction of a mold, the original model to reproduce (master) can be an already existing figure, or a personal creation of the model maker. To make a model, various materials can be common, such as:
- Wood
- Plastic
- Plaster
- Clay
- Wax etc.
Create the desired shape in a short time
Plasticine is undoubtedly the most suitable material for aluminum soft plastic lure molds. It offers the greatest creative freedom and allows you to create the desired shape in a short time.
Non-porous surfaces (e.g. metal, plastic) do not require the preliminary use of release agents. On porous ones (wood, concrete, plaster, clay, etc.)
It is advisable to apply an insulating layer with shellac paint
It is in order to prevent the silicone rubber, fluid before hardening, from penetrating into the pores making subsequent demolding operations more difficult.
Moreover, it is very important that the separators are very fluid. They are applied (by spray or brush) in a very thin layer. It is to interfere with the precision of the details to aluminum plastic lure molds.
Once the volatile part contained in the separator has evaporated. It is advisable to subsequently apply a very thin layer of waxy release agent.
Get aluminum soft plastic lure molds
Once you have the original model to reproduce, the first thing to do is to get a pourable silicone rubber for molds. This rubber consists of two parts, a silicone compound plus a catalyst. You also need plasticine and wooden tablets of various sizes.
Preparation of the mold
On a wooden base, aided by plasticine, form a kind of box of such size as to comfortably contain the model to reproduce. In our example we will proceed to the reproduction of a lead soldier. Make sure that the sides of the wooden boards fit together perfectly and leave no space.
Aluminum soft plastic lure molds: fill the structure with plasticine
We will fill this structure with other plasticine until we reach half the height of the box and then we will insert, by pressing lightly but firmly, our master. It must insert into the plasticine up to about half of its height.
If it is our intention to use a polyaddition silicone rubber for the production of the bivalve cast. It will be necessary to use plasticine without sulfur. This does not create phenomena of catalysis inhibition.
Molds 2: cover the lower half
Alternatively, always place the aluminum soft plastic lure molds in the same box and pour some melted wax to cover the lower half. In this case it is advisable to wrap the lower part of the model with aluminum foil to prevent the wax from adhering.
With this system the division of the mold is in a straight line. With the plasticine method a more complex division plane is easy to obtain. It is able to exactly follow the morphology of the object to be reproduced.
Common method to align the two halves of the mold
Adjust the surface of the plasticine or wax around the aluminum soft plastic lure molds and form four hollows on the four sides of the modeling clay. This will be common to align the two halves of the mold.
At this point we will have to decide whether to proceed with the preparation of the sprue and the air escape routes at this stage, or whether to wait until the realization of the two silicone rubber molds finishes.
In the first case, to create the casting duct, through which the material will pours into the mold, a sort of plasticine funnel prepares and two equal parts divides. A half funnel attaches to the plasticine. This divides surface, with the thinnest part connected to the aluminum soft plastic lure molds at a predetermined point and the flaring outwards.
This adheres to the edge of the containment box. The other half of the funnel will then be common to complete the conduit in the second valve.
Prepare a vent channel for the air
It is also necessary to prepare a vent channel for the air near the pouring one. For this purpose, you can use a drink straw half-drowned in plasticine. This connects the model to the edge of the wooden box. Any additional vent channels require at all aluminum soft plastic lure molds highlights to prevent air pockets from forming when the material pours into the mold.
The sprue must be only one, wide enough.
It is a basic example of what we will have to do as we should adapt the work to each subject taking into account. It is to ensure that the material with which to fill the mold arrives in each corner before solidify. The air escape channels must be sufficient in order not to allow air bubbles to remain in the recesses that the lead will have to fill.
Aluminum soft plastic lure molds: construction of the first valve of the mold
At this point the model is ready for the construction of the first valve of the mold, but first we will have to proceed with the preparation of the silicone rubber
Preparation of the silicone rubber
Before talking about their preparation, let's see what silicone rubbers are.
What they are Silicone rubbers are liquid or paste products that are cold vulcanized by means of a catalyst, from which stable compounds with high elasticity are obtained.
Thanks to their peculiar characteristics, silicone rubbers offer great advantages in the construction of aluminum soft plastic lure molds. It is good in the artistic sector, objects, restoration and scenography where, in some cases, they prove to be truly irreplaceable.
Silicone rubbers is the excellent non-stick effect
One of the fundamental properties of silicone rubbers is the excellent non-stick effect towards the materials they come into contact with. This means that they do not adhere to the model.
Therefore, no release treatment is important, both on the model and in the mold. Furthermore, silicone rubbers have excellent reproduction fidelity down to the smallest detail, and good dimensional stability. Their elasticity and tear resistance allow you to easily demold.
Strong undercuts, pronounced reliefs and detailed carvings
With silicone rubber you can make casts of an infinite number of objects: statues, figures, bas-reliefs, architectural elements, rocks, fossils, tree trunks, etc.
You can also get casts on still wet clay. The rubber comes off easily and does not release greasy substances or residues that could damage the model.
The aluminum soft plastic lure molds can be common for reproductions with different materials, such as polyester resins, rigid or expanded polyurethane, plaster, marble, wax, cement, etc.
How to Make Soft Plastic Lure Molds? Best Guide 2022
How to make soft plastic lure molds? Before building any artificial in plastic resin, we will have to worry about building around it to be reproduced, a two-part mold.
There are two main construction methodologies
The original to be reproduced could be an already existing artificial on the market or a new subject built by us, perhaps using balsa wood.
How to make soft plastic lure molds?
I use 3- or 4-mm plywood for the longer sides and 10 mm plywood for the two shorter sides. In this way we will be able to reuse them, without having to redo them every time.
We take our original, fix it or stick to it at both ends (head and tail), two steel wires. We can keep it raised halfway inside the plywood box.
Obviously, to do this, it will be necessary to make two cuts in the shorter sides of the box with the jigsaw up to approximately half height. How to make soft plastic lure molds? This operation will serve to create a small space (7/8 mm.) We will then pour the expensive silicone rubber. The remaining space of the box will be entirely occupied by the much cheaper plaster.
Method A: create a cylindrical or conical housing
Now we need to create a cylindrical or conical housing. This starts from the head of our lure and reaches the end of the mold. It will be good to use to pour the silicone rubber into the cavity left free by the plasticine.
Use a piece of nylon on the piece of marble
We then place the wooden box, with all its contents, on a work surface (I use a piece of marble) to prevent any spillage. How to make soft plastic lure molds? This keeps the empty part upwards. I recommend placing a piece of nylon on the piece of marble so that it can then be removed easily.
Quickly mix gypsum with water, in sufficient quantity to fill it, taking care to make a very liquid amalgam. It can easily fill every gap. The plaster sets in about fifteen minutes. We will have to act quickly, helping ourselves by cutting a small trowel to fill every smallest hole.
After about ten minutes, when the plaster has set, we will take a wooden (or marble) ruler. How to make soft plastic lure molds? With sharp edges about twenty centimeters long and, scraping slowly. We remove the excess plaster, above the box, leveling the surface until the sides of the wood emerge.
Now, we will allow the plaster to dry perfectly, for at least two or three days. It dries, small cracks form around the sides of the wooden walls and the plaster takes its natural white color.
Overturn plaster and begin to remove the plasticine
Now some space has formed again, the space necessary for the second plaster casting.
Before carrying out it, however, it will be necessary to sprinkle the surface of the dried plaster with a veil of detaching wax. We gently open the wooden box, and separate the two parts of plaster.
How to make soft plastic lure molds? Remove the plasticine
We have thus built two overlapping parts, two gypsum shells. This overlap will form the rigid reinforcement of our mold. Now we will sprinkle the artificial cleaned from the plasticine with a layer of release wax. We will prepare for the pouring of the silicone rubber for molds.
Join the two plaster parts with the help of ropes or rubber bands
We carefully close each slot with plasticine, with gummed paper or pieces of nylon. So as not to let the liquid rubber come out and we straighten the mold joined in plaster. How to make soft plastic lure molds? It holds the tube or the plastic cone, in order to facilitate the insertion of the liquid silicone rubber.
We catalyze rubber:
We will have to mix it for a long time with the tip of a large screwdriver, together with the necessary amount of catalyst.
The one I use requires 10% (ten percent) of catalyst and solidifies in 24 - 36 hours depending on the external temperature. For a mold of a medium / large size minnows, we will need 100 grams of silicone rubber and 10 grams of catalyst.
Pour the liquid through the plastic tube
How to make soft plastic lure molds? Now we can pour the liquid and catalyzed silicone rubber, through the plastic tube, until all the empty space around the lure and the tube itself are filled. But be careful to slowly pour the rubber, with the help of a small jug with spout, so as to let the silicone rubber flow slowly into the mold, in order to allow the air to flow towards the other, leaving the place to the rubber.
In this way the rubber will fill exactly the amount of space between the plaster and the original, allowing us to obtain a perfect mold.
How to make soft plastic lure molds? Rubber that manages to reproduce
Once the rubber has poured, the mold will be kept facing upwards, for the entire time necessary for its definitive solidification.
Now we can open our plaster mold, freeing it from the windings, we cut delicately with the blade of a sharp cutter, laterally the rubber, near the head, for about two / three centimeters on each side, in order to allow the original to extract.
Then we will continue the cutting operation, always following the contours of the plaster molds.
How to make soft plastic lure molds? Now we will detach the two parts of the mold; it is a very exciting moment, the moment of truth, because it is right now that we discover whether the steps of our upstream work have been correctly carried out.
Accommodate the plastic resin and the lure assembly
Having removed the original wood and cut the silicone rubber in two parts, one realizes with pleasure that the mold is finished, ready to accommodate the plastic resin and the lure assembly and to produce hundreds of baits ... super captivating.
At the end of the operation we will find two gypsum shells integrated with two parts of silicone; together they will form the mold to reproduce our lures.
Now the two-part mold is really finished
After drying, with a sharp cutter it will divide into two parts and the mold will be ready for use. How to make soft plastic lure molds? The same procedure will have to adopt if we have to reproduce Jigs or spinner bait heads and any other small parts.
In this case we will have to use inert sinking fillers (marble powder). It is to mix with the plastic resin. Moreover, it is to ensure that these details do not float, but rather cause the artificial for which they are intended to sink. We must be able to obtain at least 1 kg of silicone rubber for elastic molds and the relative catalyst.
How plastic injection molding works? Ultimate Guide 2022
General working principle of plastic injection machine
How plastic injection molding works? The basic plastic injection molding machine structure has shown the functions of each part working together. These parts operate on a common working principle.
Raw plastic (Plastic) is put into the material storage compartment through a hopper. The plastic granules in the cavity melt by a heater. We keep it in a liquid state until it enters the mold cavity.
The process of injecting plastic into the mold is similar to using a needle. The motor generates force on the helical screw. The screw operates in a clockwise direction creating a large pressure that pushes the plastic to the valve.
What is injection mold clamping system?
The mold clamping system has the role of fixing the mold under the impact of huge pressure. And the cooling system will quickly cool the product to push it out of the mold to continue a new press.
How plastic injection molding works? All presses have a central operating system that controls the entire operation of the machine.
Detail working principle of Horizontal plastic injection machine
Horizontal plastic injection molding machine is one of the most advanced presses available today. This machine originates from Japan.
The improvements of plastic injection machine bring positivity in production. Productivity and quality of pressed products are guaranteed, diverse and durable.
Plastic injection molding machine has various sizes for large molds and small molds. However, the size difference is relevant to the working principle of the horizontal plastic injection molding machine.
The working principle of the plastic injection molding machine
As learned about the plastic injection machine in detail in the structure and general operating principle of the above content, basically, the JSW machine is nothing else. It also works on the same principle: “Heating – injection molding – cooling – ejecting the product from the mold”.
How plastic injection molding works? Injection molding machine is the most important machinery equipment common in plastic injection processing. In this article, we take a closer look at the structure of the injection molding machine and the parameters of plastic injection molding.
Details of injection molding machine structure
In general, an ordinary injection molding machine consists of 5 systems:
- injection molding support system
- Furthermore, injection system
- Moreover, clamping system
- Mold system and control system.
Injection molding support system
How plastic injection molding works? The injection molding support system consists of 4 subsystems, each with its own function.
Body: is the part that has the function of linking the systems of the plastic injection machine together
Electrical system: includes electrical cabinets and wires, providing power, helping the motor to operate. The electrical system needs to be scientifically designed. Moreover, it helps to ensure the safety of the operator.
Hydraulic system: composes of pump, valve, and pipe system, motor... is the place to generate resources for closing and opening the mold.
The cooling system comes with the function of cooling the mold by water or Ethylene Glycol solution. In addition, it helps the plastic material to harden into the desired shape before ejection. Moreover, it solidifies the plastic into a shape before the product is ejected from the mold.
Spray system of injection molding machine
The injection system melts the plastic material under the influence of temperature, maintains the temperature of the liquefied plastic, compresses and degass it during the injection of the plastic into the mold cavity as well as the shaping of the product.
The injection system comes of a:
- plastic feed hopper
- Moreover, a plastic container
- Similarly, heating rings
- a screw
- Furthermore, a nozzle and a self-opening return unit
How plastic injection molding works? During operation, when the screw moves backward, the wedge-shaped barrier moves towards the nozzle. The molten plastic will flow in front of the screw head. The screw moves forward, vice versa.
Clamping system
Clamping system with mold opening and closing function helps to hold the mold firmly while waiting for cooling and opens to push the product out of the mold.
The clamping system is composed of the pusher assembly, the clamp assembly, the connecting rods, the movable plate and the fixed plate.
Plastic Injection Mold system
The mold system is a plastic product forming injection molding system consisting of a fixed half and a movable half. In which, the fixed part carries the mold cavity (female mold) and the movable part carries the mold core (male mold).
How plastic injection molding works? The mold system with a very complex structure, basically includes the following components:
Guide and positioning system: including guide pin, guide bearing, positioner, positioning ring...
The system of leading plastic into the mold cavity: including the nozzle silver, plastic channel, nozzle...
Product pushing system: including push pin, return pin, support pin, support pin bearing, push plate, retaining plate, support block...
Cooling system: including water lines, grooves, heat pipes, connectors (hollow shaft pipes, faucets)...
Plastic Injection Molding Exhaust system:
The control system is the operating system of the injection molding machine. Injection molding parameters such as temperature, pressure, injection molding speed, position of hydraulic system parts clearly display on the control panel.
How plastic injection molding works? The control system is the basis for the injection molding machine to perform operations during the entire pressing cycle.
Parameters of injection molding
Different types of plastic injection molding machines will have different injection molding processing parameters. Some common features in the parameters that the plastic injection machine operator should understand include:
Spray speed
The injection speed has a direct impact on the shape, determining the characteristic properties of the product. It is necessary to set the standard injection molding speed based on the characteristics of the plastic injection machine and the plastic product you want to form.
If the pressing speed is too high, it will make the product not aesthetically pleasing, glossy, surface blurred or seam floating...
If the injection molding speed is too low, it will cause the mold not to be filled, causing lack of material, shrinkage, deformation, and failure to meet the required size standards.
Injection pressure
How plastic injection molding works? Just like injection molding speed, injection pressure has an effect on the operation of the injection molding machine and on the characteristics of the formed product.
If the injection molding pressure k adjusts reasonably, it will affect the quality and aesthetics of the formed product. Usually, high injection pressure is common in the production of parts that require thin walls and high pressure is common in the case of thick product walls.
Press area of injection molding
Products with different technical requirements require different injection molding areas. The pressing area clearly defines and the setting is reasonable during the whole injection molding process.
Injection area is an injection molding machine parameter that can affect the clamping force, mold size and technical parameters of the plastic injection machine.
How does plastic injection molding work?
How does plastic injection molding work? To design a complete set of plastic injection molds, the Mold Design Engineer must understand the structure of the plastic injection mold. Depending on the product requirements, we will have different mold structures such as: 2-plate mold, 3-plate mold, slide mold.
In the brochures Mold analysis a lot, in the sky and under the sea of
1. Plastic injection mold construction.
Structural decomposition of the mold set
More or less you already know that Mold includes core and cavity (male mold, female mold). In addition, there are many other parts in the mold. These parts are assembled together to form the basic systems of the mold set, including:
How does plastic injection molding work? The system of guidance and positioning: includes all the guide pins, guide bearings, core positioning, mold shell positioning, etc., which are responsible for keeping the working position of the two mold parts when coupled together to create the cavity of the mold exactly.
How does plastic injection molding work?
The system of leading plastic into the mold cavity: includes the nozzle silver, the plastic channel and the injection port responsible for supplying plastic from the injection machine nozzle into the mold cavity.
Slide system (sliding platform): including side cores, core cheeks, guide bars, oblique cams, hydraulic cylinders, etc., which are responsible for removing the parts that cannot be removed (undercut) right in the direction of the mold opening.
Product ejection system: includes push pins, return pins, support pins, support pins, push plates, retaining plates, support blocks, etc., which are responsible for pushing the product out of the mold after pressing is complete. How does plastic injection molding work?
Exhaust system: consists of air vents, the exhaust valve is responsible for bringing out the remaining air in the mold cavity, creating conditions for the plastic to fill the mold cavity easily and keeping the product free of air bubbles or air bubbles burnt, lack of materials.
Cooling system: includes water lines, grooves, heat pipes, connectors, etc., which is responsible for regulating the mold temperature and cooling the product quickly. There is also a heating system to keep the mold temperature stable at high temperatures for products using engineering plastics.
Hot runner system: The hot runner system is also known as the hot channel system. ( Read more articles about Hot runner system design )
Bolts - nuts: Common to fix mold plates, components in the mold together...
18 basic parts in plastic injection mold structure
Structure of the basic plastic injection mold set.
1: Front clamp plate 7: Support plate 13: Pin guide silver
2: Front mold plate 8: Support block 14: Pause
3: Positioning ring 9: Rear clamp plate 15: Silver Expansion
4: Silver spray stem 10: Push pin 16: Support pins
5: Products 11: Holder plate 17: Rear mold plate
6: Locator 12: Push plate 18: Silver guide
How does plastic injection molding work? Depending on the shape and requirements of the product, we will choose different types of mold structure. Each production unit also follows different mold design directions. However, in order to improve the design level, the designer needs to learn to improve by studying as many mold structures as possible.
If you have the opportunity, you should open the actual molds to study and expand your design thinking.
Functions of components in the plastic mold
- Front clamp plate:
The function is common to clamp to the fixed part of the machine wall. As you can see in the picture, this plate has a protruding width compared to other mold plates. That protrusion is common for clamping.
- Fixed plate (female mold plate):
This plate is the fixed mold part
- Silver sprayer:
The function of leading plastic from the injection head of the injection machine into the mold (first is to lead the plastic into the channels)
- Positioning ring:
Common to position the mold with the machine wall, it helps the nozzle of the press to be accurately positioned with the corresponding position of the nozzle bush. This part has a circular shape and protrudes above the top of the front clamp to fit into a corresponding hole in the machine wall.
5. Hexagonal screw in Plastic injection Molding Machine:
Fix clamp plate and fixed mold plate together
- Water line:
It is cooling system of the mold. It also has the function of keeping the mold temperature during the heating process for low-melting plastics.
- Movable plate (male mold plate):
Movable side mold plate
- Backing plate:
Common to increase the rigidity of the movable side mold, this plate is only common in case the movable plate is too thin.
- Pillows:
How does plastic injection molding work? Pillows consisting of 2 panels on both sides are called a pair. The support is common to support the movable plate and create the necessary clearance in the middle to arrange the push pin clamp and push plate and the battery system.
- Battery clamp plate:
Keeps the push pin system from sliding out during mold operation
- Pin ejection plate:
This plate connects to the ejector core of the press; it has the function of pushing the push pin system through which indirectly pushes the product out.
- Rear clamp plate:
Common to clamp on the movable part of the injection molding machine
- Push pin:
Common to push the product out of the mold
- Loxo:
Push the clamp plate assembly and ejector plate backwards to pull the ejector battery pack to prepare for the next injection molding cycle
- Return latch:
How does plastic injection molding work? It guides the clamp and ejector plate assembly in a reciprocating straight line to keep them from sliding out and to protect the battery pack from bending during product ejection and retraction.
- Guide Bearing:
Precision machined with guide pin makes the guide pin easy to move and position
- Guide pin:
Helps the 2 parts of the mold to be precisely positioned during the molding process
The A - Z Guide of How-to Plastic Injection Molding?
Instructions for using an effective plastic injection machine
How to plastic injection molding? No matter how good a plastic injection machine is, if you do not know how to use it, the effect will not be as expected. This is why you need to carefully read the instructions for using the plastic injection molding machine before using it.
- The structure of plastic injection molding machine
- The characteristics of plastic injection molding machines
- The features of plastic injection molding machine
- The process of using a plastic injection molding machine
- Tips to use the laminator effectively
How to plastic injection molding?
Plastic laminator is a device common to wrap important papers; picture with plastic film. As a result, important papers and pictures are protected from mold; insect bites; wet; bleach; crumpled. Plastic injection molding machines are common more and more commonly in offices; office; print shop; Photo shop.
Here is the manual for the plastic injection molding machine you need to know.
Learn the structure of plastic injection molding machine
There are many types of plastic injection molding machines on the market today. Each type will have a distinct feature, but the structure is basically the same and includes main parts such as:
How to plastic injection molding? Covers the outside and protects the electronic components inside from dust; wet; insect. The housing is insulated and insulated to ensure the safety of the user.
Power on / off button
Help users perform the operation of turning on the device when needed to use and turning off the device when not in use.
The rolo part: The function of this part is to keep the paper from being jammed into the machine when pressing. Most plastic injection molding machines today usually have 4 roles.
The temperature adjustment part:
The function of this part is to increase or decrease the temperature according to the user's wishes. How to plastic injection molding? Thanks to the appropriate temperature adjustment, the product after plastic injection ensures aesthetics; no swelling; No glue peeling or burning of laminated film.
Seamless paper clip:
This part will combine with the clamping roller to keep paper from getting stuck inside the press. Press mode change button provides 2 options of hard pressing and flexible pressing. Depending on actual needs, users will choose the appropriate pressing mode.
Rubber wheel lining the machine:
This part works to protect the base of the machine from being soaked in water or in contact with the ground. After understanding the structure and function of each part; How to plastic injection molding? You need to learn the characteristics of the machine before reading the manual for the plastic injection molding machine.
The characteristics of plastic injection molding machines
There are many ways to classify plastic laminators on the market. We often come across types like:
Ordinary plastic laminator: This type of machine uses bags with pre-defined sizes according to the size. Equipment suitable for pressing documents; printing products of small sizes such as cards; sign; letter; a4 paper size; menus; board rules; instruction boards, posters in small format…
Roll laminator: How to plastic injection molding? This machine allows pressing pictures and documents of medium to large size such as tables; Large format posters... They are common a lot in printing and advertising service shops. This type of roll laminator has a more set price than a conventional bag laminator.
Types of laminating films for plastic injection machines
Classified by structure, we also have plastic injection machines with thermostats and machines without thermostats. In there:
The plastic laminator has a thermostat that can adjust the temperature to suit each laminated material and type of film. As a result, the product after pressing has high accuracy; smooth surface; minimize blistering or burning of pressed paper.
The laminator without thermostat
How to plastic injection molding? The laminator does not have a thermostat that does not allow the user to adjust the temperature level when laminating. This leads to the limitation that the laminate is easily peeled when the temperature is too low or burned when the temperature is too high. The aesthetics of the product is therefore also affected.
Each product will have certain characteristics, advantages and limitations. When learning the manual of the plastic injection machine you need to know this to master your device. If classified by printing size, we have the following types of laminating machines:
Learn the features how to plastic injection molding?
After learning the characteristics of the type of plastic injection machine you use, you can continue to learn about the product's features. There are some basic features you just need to look at the symbols to know.
But some features you need to read carefully in the manual of the plastic injection machine that comes with the machine to know. In addition to the on/off feature; Normal temperature control, some models also have a reverse feature.
Learn the process of using a plastic injection molding machine
The next step is to find out how the device is common. How to plastic injection molding? If you are not familiar with this process, you can follow the instructions below:
- Plug in the power cord and make sure the right power is supplied to the machine
- Press the start button and wait 3-5 minutes for the machine to warm up
- Select the pressing mode and temperature suitable for pressing materials and types of laminated films.
- Put the product to be pressed into the press. When pressing, you should place the machine on a flat surface. There should be space behind the machine for the product to come out after pressing.
- After pressing, you adjust the temperature of the machine to 0
- Turn off the heat switch and wait for the machine to cool completely before unplugging the power cord and storing the device.
How to plastic injection molding? Above is the 6-step process in the manual for the plastic injection molding machine. Just follow these steps correctly and know a few tips, you will always have the beautiful finished product you want.
Tips to use the laminator effectively
There is one thing that inexperienced users may not know. It is the adjustment of temperature in accordance with the thickness, thinness of the material and laminated film. There are no detailed instructions for adjusting the temperature according to the pressing material.
You will learn from experience after many times of practice. How to plastic injection molding? However, you need to keep in mind, the thicker the pressing material, the higher the pressing temperature must be.
But you should not adjust to a high temperature at the beginning, but leave it at the lowest level and then increase it gradually. This limits the burn of the laminate.
Place the machine horizontally to increase the certainty
Each type of laminator has a regulation on the thickness of the laminated paper. When laminating, you should use suitable paper and absolutely do not use paper with a thickness of more than 1.0mm.
In each use, you should place the machine horizontally to increase the certainty; How to plastic injection molding? Avoid jostling or dropping the machine which may cause burns or damage to the machine.
No matter how good your laminator is, you shouldn't use it for more than 2 hours. After each press, the machine needs to rest for at least 15 seconds before pressing again. When the machine is damp or dirty, you should not use it.
5 Best Herman miller plastic molded chair in 2021
Basic conditions for plastic mold production
As the content of previous articles, we have provided our readers with 4 ways to create Herman miller plastic molded chair. To be able to produce plastic products, molds are needed. Depending on the manufacturing method, different types of molds are used with different structures, names and modes of operation, such as: blow mold, extrusion mold, suction mold, and casting mold.
In this article, we will describe the basic conditions for operating a plastic molding factory, serving the plastic injection molding industry.
Herman miller plastic molded chair
To be able to operate a Herman miller plastic molded chair factory, the following conditions are required.
- Personnel team.
- Mold design team.
This is the team that determines the feasibility of mold production. Each mold manufacturing company must have at least 1 to 3 design staff. To be able to design quality molds.
These designers must have the following abilities:
- Skilled in using 2D, 3D drawing software such as AutoCAD, Creo, Solid works, NX, cimatron, ....
- Having knowledge of mold design such as mold separation, understanding the structure of a set of molds.
- Having experience in mechanical processing at least must know how to operate mechanical processing machines, cnc machining, CNC machining programming in a workshop or mold manufacturing company from 1 year to 3 years.
- Eager to learn to develop themselves, dare to commit to each day improve professional qualifications and design skills.
- And other skills at work.
Programming staff and personnel operating mechanical processing machines.
To process a set of Herman miller plastic molded chair. It is a lot of mechanical processing machines are needed. Therefore, it is necessary to have a staff with experience in programming. And the operating mechanical processing machines. Specifically, the staff is as follows:
- Specialist cnc milling programmer, cnc lathe.
- Technician operating cnc milling machine, cnc lathe
- Personnel operating universal processing machines such as vertical milling, horizontal milling, universal turning, flat grinding machine, drilling machine, etc.
- Personnel programming and operating wire cutting machines, spark processing machines.
c. Personnel polishing the Herman miller plastic molded chair
Personnel polishing the mold:
The surface of the mold cavity after machining has a lot of machining marks. And this is due to the shaping properties of the machining. Therefore, to improve the surface quality of the mold cavity. It is necessary to add a polishing process to the surface of the mold cavity. This staff needs to be skilled in the use of polishing machines. Therefore, using different types of polishing tools at each stage: rough, semi-finished, fine and super fine.
– Mold assembly personnel: to assemble mold details into a complete set of molds and at the same time eliminate product errors.
– For small companies, the assembly department also takes care of the polishing staff.
d. Herman miller plastic molded chair Quality control personnel (QC).
This is the team that determines the quality of processing. And this is to ensure that the machined parts meet the dimensions and technical requirements of the design drawings. The better the quality control, the higher the mold quality and vice versa.
- Other support personnel: Purchasing, warehouse keeper, transportation.
- Sales team.
To connect customers to the Herman miller plastic molded chair, it is necessary to have a sales team that is both knowledgeable about plastic mold production and has the skills to find and consult customers. This team receives the customer's requirements and then converts it into a technical problem to discuss with the design team to design a set of molds and then extrude the plastic products that meet the customer's requirements.
2. Herman miller plastic molded chair Modern and synchronous machinery system.
To produce a quality mold on time, there are many stages, each of which is performed in a certain machine. Therefore, the machinery system is an important factor determining the quality and progress of plastic molding processing. The basic machinery system is as follows:
- Universal processing machines:
- Also, such as vertical milling machines
- horizontal milling machines
- moreover, vertical lathes
- furthermore, drilling machines
- In addition, drilling machines
- flat grinding machines
- Also, insert grinding machines
- stone cutting machines, ...
- Wire cutters.
- Electric spark processing machine.
3. Plastic injection machine for mold testing.
After assembling a complete set of molds. It is necessary to conduct trial production called mold testing. To shorten the mold testing process. It is the mold manufacturing company needs to equip a Herman miller plastic molded chair so that the mold can be tested immediately to evaluate the quality of plastic products and the quality of a set of molds.
Plastic molding machine for mold testing
- Working process system.
The methodical and detailed working process system helps the production system maintain quality, monitor quality, and ensure timely production progress. For plastic injection molding factories, this process system is extremely important.
The basic process system is as follows:
- Mold design process.
- Also, Mold design quality assessment process.
- Moreover, The process of machining a set of molds.
- Furthermore, Detailed machining process.
- In addition, Quality control process
- Also, Assembly process.
- Assembly quality control process.
- Mold testing process.
- Process of handling mold errors.
Necessary to conduct trail production
After assembling a complete set of molds, the next stage is necessary to conduct trial production to evaluate the operability of the mold and evaluate the quality of the product.
To perform this stage, a Herman miller plastic molded chair is required. A professional mold manufacturing company usually has a plastic molding machine to take the initiative in testing samples.
On the other hand, thanks to the plastic molding machine, they can maximize the needs of customers both ordering mold manufacturing and ordering plastic products. That helps customers reduce production waiting time, reduce risks in the plastic molding process, and ensure the confidentiality of the product's production.
Reputable and quality manufacturing company
Above are 5 criteria for choosing a reputable plastic molding company to help customers evaluate and choose an experienced, reputable and quality manufacturing company. Successful entrepreneurs often have a saying "Choice over effort".
When customers have the criteria to choose the right mold making unit, they will avoid worrying about choosing between cost and quality. At the same time, evaluate and choose the right mold manufacturer to give full trust instead of looking for the cheapest mold offering unit.
Only inexperienced mold manufacturers will offer quotations in the direction of market dumping.
Above are the basic conditions for operating a Herman miller plastic molded chair. Because there are many machines and equipment, many stages, many control steps, the time to manufacture a mold is usually from 1 month to 1.5 months. The author of the article is looking forward to receiving your contributions.
Plastic Window Trim Molding: 6 Practical Tips
Introduction of Plastic window trim molding
The quality of the plastic window trim molding sample directly affects the plastic product, determining the accuracy and aesthetics of the product. A standard plastic injection mold can yield many quality plastic products.
Businesses, manufacturers and consumers always demand high quality. Therefore, we should look for a reputable, long-term unit to learn and cooperate
Evaluation of the quality and reputation of plastic window trim molding
Whether each manufactured plastic product is appreciated or not depends much on the plastic injection mold. From design shape to gloss, aesthetics, and durability of plastic products are all regulated by plastic injection molds. Therefore, a reputable mold making unit must ensure the following factors:
Durability and productivity of the Plastic window trim molding
Experienced mold design team to design quality Plastic window trim molding. The design must meet structural standards, have high feasibility in terms of processing and assembly, and durability and productivity. The injection mold is capable of mass production in large quantities.
Mold materials are suitable for the expected output and quality of the pressed product. The injection mold ensures quality, has high strength, high durability, and avoids damage during pressing.
After manufacturing, the injection mold must have high precision, standard surface gloss, and work well. Injection molds can produce identical products during the entire production process.
Time is important for Plastic window trim molding
The time of each injection molding cycle is minimized, contributing to increased production efficiency.
The structure of the mold is suitable for the type of plastic injection machine to bring the best production efficiency. It is possible to produce quality products and maintain the durability of the mold.
Strict and methodical mold production process; complete, synchronous and modern machinery system. The factory ensures production capacity and processing progress.
A team of factory workers with rich experience in the profession, with a high sense of responsibility.
Having machines to inspect molds and test Plastic window trim molding before handing over, immediately handle problems to ensure the quality of finished plastic products.
5 Criteria for choosing a professional Plastic window trim molding
Mold manufacturing in general, plastic molding or plastic injection molding is a high-tech precision mechanical industry, requiring precision, from drawing design, mold design to production stage.
Therefore, not enterprises with precision mechanical processing equipment can produce molds. Because in addition to the physical and human factors, there must be a "skilled" technical and management team.
Therefore, to help customers, choose a reputable and quality plastic molding company, we offer "5 criteria for choosing a reputable plastic molding company" with just a glance.
Customers can "read" their mold making skills as follows:
Criterion 1: The sales team is knowledgeable about molds, mold structure, and enthusiastically advises on solutions for Plastic window trim molding.
Plastic products on the market come in all shapes and sizes, with many different textures and shapes. Therefore, it also sets different requirements for mold structure and different mold technical solutions to meet the requirements of each plastic product.
Technical solution of the Plastic window trim molding
Therefore, to concretize customer requirements into technical solutions, the sales team of mold manufacturing companies must have both business skills and knowledge of plastic products, knowledge of production capacity of all kinds of plastics, knowledgeable about plastic mold structures to advise customers on the most economical solutions.
At the same time, it is necessary to accurately calculate the cost of mold making, the risks in the mold making process, the technical requirements of the product to offer a suitable offer price to bring benefits to both parties.
Criterion 2. Modern and synchronous machinery system suitable for mold industry.
Mold manufacturing includes many stages, many parts to handle the processing of details in a synchronous and timely manner to ensure the accuracy and flexibility of the business.
Therefore, Plastic window trim molding manufacturing companies often must equip themselves with a lot of machinery and equipment to ensure the "right, enough, even" synchronization while ensuring accuracy and modernity
Basic Machinery system of the Plastic window trim molding
CNC milling machining center: can have vertical milling machine, horizontal milling machine, spindle speed from 10,000 rpm or more. To improve productivity and efficiency, cnc milling machines can be used for milling, semi-calculation and finishing. These machines are used for shaping punching plates, die plates of molds and sub-plates of plastic molds
CNC turning machining center: for processing and manufacturing cylindrical parts such as forming punches, bearings, step pins, inserts, ....
Universal machining machine Plastic window trim molding
Vertical universal milling, horizontal universal milling to process envelope sizes for mold plates. But now, a lot of mold manufacturing companies have ordered units to manufacture Plastic window trim molding shells or process mold plates according to required dimensions.
- Universal lathe: for repair, details during assembly.
- Flat grinder: to create parallel surfaces for mold plates with an accuracy of a few thousandths of a mm.
- Drilling machine, vertical drilling, small drilling to create cooling water lines, bolting holes, tapping holes for mold plates.
- Insert grinding machine to serve the grinding of insert plates during mold assembly.
- Dowel cutter: to size the push pins of the mold.
- CNC wire cutting machine: for processing complex parts, small and deep holes that cannot be processed by cnc.
Spark machine of Plastic window trim molding:
for machining complex objects with small, tight gaps, right angles that cannot be processed by wire cutting machines, cnc milling machines.
- Hole punching machine: to assist in making holes for wire cutters.
- 2D measuring machine to measure the forming dimensions of mold plates.
- wire cutting machine for processing Plastic window trim molding
- wire cutting machine for processing plastic molding
Criterion 3: Professional mold design team.
The mold design stage is a decisive step to the success of a mold set. In order to make the customer's requirements a technical problem that is feasible in principle and feasible in terms of manufacturing, the mold manufacturing company must have a technical team to carry out the professional mold design.
This team is both good at design skills, must understand the structure of molds, and must have practical experience and design experience. At the same time, there must be enough personnel structure, specifically as follows:
Personnel design 2D, 3D drawings:
this team will work with the sales department to simulate ideas, customer sample products become 3D design drawings for customers to visualize the product after What is the shape and size of injection molding?
Then, export the 3D drawing to a 2D detailed drawing to measure and records the dimensions to confirm the product's parameters for acceptance or compare the assembly with other details before going into mold manufacturing.
In addition, after finalizing the 3D drawing, the customer can use this drawing for rapid prototyping (3D printing) to produce the actual product for testing and adjustment, if any.